Questions tagged [bitcoind]

bitcoind is the command-line software for Bitcoin Core. It stands for "Bitcoin Daemon" where a daemon is any computer process which runs in the background ("service" in Windows terminology).

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Bitcoind doesn't start

Im trying to make Stadicus guide work for both Bitcoin Core & LND I did download the blockchain and moved to the HDD on my Rasp3 However, when starting the bitcoind service, im having this debug....
Alejandro Martín's user avatar
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How to use -txindex to enable blockchain transaction queries?

I am trying getting the raw of transaction. But I am getting the following error with following command and RPC call as well. bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction ...
Lalit Mohan's user avatar
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How to verify a given transaction was sent by a Green Address?

I have run bitcoind. How do I get the funds sent from Green Addresses? If the transaction is sent by Green Addresses, that can be immediately on receipt with zero network confirmations There are ...
Lalit Mohan's user avatar
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How do I connect my `bcoin` wallet to `bitcoind`?

I have bitcoind running in regtest mode. I want to connect my bcoin wallet to it and retrieve all UTXOs relevant to the sender's address. How can I do that?
Deb's user avatar
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Whats the difference in way you installing full nodes

I'm newbie in blockchain world, so I'm curious what is the difference between installing full node by using libs such as bitcore-lib (using node.js) and installing it through the daemon (mentioned ...
newbie's user avatar
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How to Bitcoin Core daemon start automatically each time your reboot your computer.?

In the official document of, they ask to use an init script instead of cron job, see the init scripts directory in Bitcoin Core’s source tree. But the link is not working Bitcoin Core’s ...
Lalit Mohan's user avatar
3 votes
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bitcoin-cli "Could not connect to the server"

Brand new Raspberry Pi mainnet node following this walkthrough: When I run this command: bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=username -...
user97315's user avatar
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How to discover startup flags or command-line options for bitcoind?

I'd like to query the Bitcoin daemon (bitcoind) to find out what startup flags (command-line options) were sent to it on startup (or the current state if it has changed, e.g. -server=0/1 changing). ...
Ryan Smyth's user avatar
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Creating a tunneling (wormhole) service for bitcoin wallets

Zcash recently announced a new wallet and service to connect mobile devices to a node running on a private home network using a tunneling service they are calling "wormhole" (1). Basically it is ...
PW Kad's user avatar
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Bitcoin curl no reply

Hi I have made a curl to my server but get no reply . What am a missing rpcuser=rpcusername rpcpassword=rpcpassword rpcauth=rpcusername:generatedkey daemon=1 server=1 rpcport=8332 rpcbind=0.0.0....
BKCapri's user avatar
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How i can connect to bitcoin core light server?

Need a bunch of Laravel + Bitcoin Core. Need a light version of bitcoin bark. Installed as follows: sudo apt-get install build-essential && sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev autoconf ...
voodooSHA A's user avatar
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How to change RPC port for bitcoind? (rpcport=xxx in bitcoin.conf doesn't work)

I'm running a testnet bitcoind node and I have been doing RPC calls on the default port 18332. I have added this line to ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf: rpcport=19832 And restarted the bitcoind service. I ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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`lnd` on Raspberry pi zeros?

Did somebody try to run the bitcoind full node on the Raspberry pi 3 and one or more lnd nodes on one or more Raspberry pi zeros? My goal is to support multiple LN clients without having to run a ...
Xavier Fiechter's user avatar
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Keeping wallet addresses outside bitcoin core

I'm trying to build a good security for my online bitcoin based application. Is something like this possible? send_bitcoin(address) create_address() sweep_balances() + | | ...
viko's user avatar
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Import / create a Wallet from a key with bitcoind or bitcoin-cli to use as a hotwallet?

i've created a HD Wallet via ( i would like to take the private key and throw that into my daemon so i can listen on incoming transactions and also transfer the ...
Tim Kretschmer's user avatar
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Connect to bitcoind from a different device within the same local network

I have a full node running on a Linux device (A) with static IP and I want to run bitcoin-cli commands or even eclair instances from a different device (B) within the same local network. ...
RaulRider's user avatar
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RPC calls to LND using curl?

I have a bitcoind and LND server running. I can make RPC calls to bitcoind using curl, like this: curl http://XXX:YYY@localhost:8332 -H 'content-type:text/plain;' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":...
Rog's user avatar
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How do I know when a transaction never confirms and is removed from the mempool

I created a light wallet which can receive and send transactions. It works fine in normal situation. My (first) question is what are the situations where things can go wrong ? Is there a reference ...
jfjobidon's user avatar
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Why does my public IP show a Bitcoin Node is running when it is set up over Tor?

I've set up my node to run exclusively over TOR. But when I check and a few other sites with my public IP to check if a bitcoin node is accepting incoming connections, it ...
KiSBitcoin's user avatar
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Can I send BTC from other node or wallet with my address?

I'm trying to send bitcoins from node2 with my address using private key noted that my address is created in node1.I followed this link: "" I dump ...
Chandu candy's user avatar
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C-lightning Implementation password protect hsm while maintaing node access

I was wondering if there was a way to encrypt the folder that contains the hsm_secret (and a lot of other operational files necessary for constant operation of a C-lightning node) without cutting it ...
Next Layer's user avatar
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Where is the bitcoind executable on Windows 10?

I have installed bitcoin core 0.17.1 version windows 10 in my laptop. I can see the following folders: bin (bitcoin-cli.exe, bitcon-qt.exe, bitcoin-tx.exe, test_bitcoin.exe), include (...
Suzana Maranhão Moreno's user avatar
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Open source, how can I view "Transaction Create a new transaction" and "Sign Transaction"?

Not long ago I saw on the site the very first Nakamoto code: Running bitcoin.exe, I did not find the console. If the program is open source,...
Izi Tors's user avatar
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What happens to .blk files on disk when the Bitcoin daemon switches to a longer chain?

I’m interested in writing a program that will (1) parse the .blk files that my full-node Bitcoin daemon writes to disk and (2) write them to a relational database in an incremental fashion (i.e., ...
Aaron Rubin's user avatar
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How to completely remove Bitcoin Lightning from Raspberry Pi

I finished the installation of Bitcoin Core and Lightning but somehow i messed up with the certificates and the creation of the wallet and now im struggling to run lightning with the right users and ...
Lebowski's user avatar
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Using bitcoind RPC to identify an incoming transaction that has been replaced using BIP125 Replace-By-Fee

In the context of running a web service that accepts payments in Bitcoin, how can we use bitcoind to identify a transaction that has been replaced using BIP125 Replace-By-Fee? When RBF is used, a new ...
Ron's user avatar
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Does bitcoind store timestamp at which private key was imported?

If we import a private key using bitcoin-cli importprivkey <key>, is there anyway to find out when the import was done? I am hoping a timestamp is included.
Jus12's user avatar
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Good documentation on starting bitcoind and bitcoin-cli after building them on Ubuntu Bionic

I have been following Antonopoulos book but it seems to be outdated. I am having elementary problems. Which command to run when, after I build bitcoind and bitcoin-cli. How am I to get blockchain to ...
Tony's user avatar
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Where is bitcoin.conf and why doesn't bitcoind find existing datadir v0.17.1

Just built no gui, no wallet bitcoin on WSL Ubuntu Bionic, Bitcoin v0.17.1. I want to experiment with bitcoin-cli. I followed recommendation to run bitcoind -princonsole and it says: Using config ...
Tony's user avatar
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How does `bitcoind` generate the private key?

My question is how the bitcoin core client generates a (master) private key(s)? I know from other wallets, that they take the mnemonic and generate a HD wallet master key. With the master key, the ...
dvg's user avatar
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Bitnodes for node on testnet

I have used the bitnode's own script to install a full node on an Ubuntu 16.04 Digitalocean droplet. I can verify that my node is up and running by checking the IP with port 8333 on Bitnode's check ...
Majid Fouladpour's user avatar
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in transaction, what is 'hash' data?

i'm studying Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto and this paper introduce a transaction model. (above picture) but i don't understand what is 'Hash' means exactly i ...
user10865941's user avatar
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What are the network requirements of running a bitcoin node?

I have been hosting my bitcion node in a simple Kuberenetes setup (without istio). I recently learnt about istio and want to use it for hosting my bitcoin node. However, I am not ...
kosta's user avatar
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how bitcoin reject invalid transaction? (with createrawtransaction)

i'm studying 'Mastering Bitcoin' and have a questions, in this book, we can send coin to other wallet by createrawtransaction but there is no enough secure method. we can find other's wallet ...
user10865941's user avatar
3 votes
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Does a bitcoin node broadcast that it is full synced?

When a bitcoin core node is fully synced, does it broadcast to the rest of the network that is has finished syncing? If yes, where in the bitcoin-core source code is this implemented?
Barney Chambers's user avatar
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Can I modify bitcoin as per my requirement?

I have taken bitcoin code,and have builded the coin successfully, now i want to change the parameters of my coin so could it possibe suppose i want to define parameters like i want to generate total ...
CryptoClearner's user avatar
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getrawtransaction not working for 0th BTC block transaction

I am trying to insert BTC blocks and transactions in MONGODB collection from count 0 using Python3. getrawtransaction is giving output for block 1 but not for block 0. Can somebody help me why this ...
Varsh's user avatar
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Could bitcoind support SPV mode by setting different args

There are multi nodes type could be used in bitcoin network. Could bitcoind support running different types of nodes by different sets of args? I found many discussion here, but seems no clear ...
Carpemer's user avatar
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Is there a way to create 9995000 spendable BTC on regtest?

I'm doing to a large stress test on 1000 node network where each node sends transactions to one another at a specific rate, and I need a way to create the funds for running it, enough so that each ...
Expectator's user avatar
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json-rpc of bitcoin not working for testnet(curl command)

I am trying this command to get transaction from bitcoin testnet: curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "gettransaction", "params": ["txId"] }' -H 'content-type: text/...
Divya Singh's user avatar
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Can't use bitcoin-cli commands, error message says "could not connect" from localhost

I am simply trying to run bitcoin-cli getinfo on the same machine that my bitcoin node is running on (with bitcoind -daemon) my bitcoin.conf file is as follows: server='1' rpcuser='username' ...
Christian's user avatar
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Unable to get transaction with json-rpc command

I am trying this command to get transaction from bitvoin testnet: curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "gettransaction", "params": ["txId"] }' -H 'content-type: text/...
Nancy's user avatar
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What are the issues of running lightning daemon with pruning node?

Most lightning implementations I came across don't officially support pruned full node. Why is pruned mode implementation a challenge? What risk am I taking when I run lnd with pruned bitcoind?
sanket1729's user avatar
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Create simple and secure transaction without checksig?

According to my previously asked question (P2SH secure spending. How?) creating transactions without signature checking is probably not secure. Anyway, I see many transactions (for ex.:...
Andrew's user avatar
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Bitcoin RPC connection

I am trying to insert bitcoin transactions into MongoDB using python3. Below is my code : import pymongo import sys import json import time from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, ...
Varsh's user avatar
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P2SH secure spending. How?

Maybe my question is stupid, but imagine that I'm trying to spend inputs from p2sh. For example, p2sh scriptPubKey looks like: OP_SHA256 ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Passing a wallet to rpcwallet in bitcoind JSON RPC

I want to set a wallet as default wallet in the commands that run with json-rpc calls. the -rpcwallet=blah sets the blah wallet as the wallet which command will run on it; how can I simulate the ...
Vahid Kharazi's user avatar
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Why bitcoind will shutdown after encryptwallet?

As mentioned in the bitcoin-cli document for encryptwallet command, bitcoin daemon will shut down after encrypting a new or unencrypted wallet. My question is about the reason for shutting the node ...
Vahid Kharazi's user avatar
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Txindex=1: how to recognise the blockchain with this option?

This might be a dumb question: I started the Bitcoin daemon for an initial blockchain download. It immediately started downloading, I edited the Bitcoin.conf file with txindex=1. Stopped and restarted ...
Carl's user avatar
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Operation not valid with the current stack size

According to bip65 I can use expressions like IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF Here is example script from this document: IF HASH160 <...
Andrew's user avatar
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