i have Testnet LN Node, i have created a wallet, i have send on-chain funds to that wallet i have connected to several peers i have created several channels, all of these are outgoing one side funded channels,

i want to do a reverse submarine swap, i mean Pay in LN and receive in BTC

LN --> BTC

this site offers the other way https://submarineswaps.org/

the purpose of these is to reverse a channel, or the half capacity of channel to be ready to receive LN payments.

of course i could just spend money, but the idea is to reverse the channel without loosing money (loosing is simulated as its in testnet)


3 Answers 3


you can try sideshift.ai or zigzag.io the first one supports testnet but is still invoite only. For zigzag.io I think this service is only offered on mainnet.


As of now this is possible with Lightning Labs' Loop. It's a non-custodial reverse submarine swap implementation.

  • You need to build LND with some special flags to enable the feature.
  • Loop is installed and runs separately as a daemon.

Once you have both running, you can simply "loop out" to send balance in your channel and receive Bitcoin onchain.

  • could it be done with an Eclairs Android mobile wallet channel?
    – Emi
    Apr 3, 2019 at 21:02
  • @emi only for a channel between Eclair mobile wallet and an LND node that's running loopd. Then you can provide loop the channel id.
    – pseudozach
    Apr 4, 2019 at 14:19

This is a trusted service for now but it utilizes the Lightning Loop to do a reverse submarine swap https://reckless.capital/swap

At the moment of writing this website is on the Lightning Testnet. Soon this service will be available for use on Mainnet.

Also full disclosure I am the owner of the website.

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