Hex Data | Type | Meaning |
02000000 |
uint32 | version 2 |
0001 |
2 octets | witness flag |
01 |
varint | count of transaction inputs |
Input 1 | ||
79aaafbe7c9d3b08 12a489facaf77508 c08c190ec7dfd82f 129aeb995aca23ab |
32 octets | Hash of referenced Tx |
00000000 |
uint32 | index of previous output |
00 |
varint | length of signature script (0 because segwit?) |
fdffffff |
4 octets | Sequence (n.b. RBF) |
02 |
varint | Count of transaction outputs |
Output 1 | ||
0bd2190000000000 |
int64 | Amount in Satoshi (0.01692171 BTC) |
16 |
varint | length of script (0x16 = 22) |
0014d2caa7b08db8 9cd62c9af34da533 32d30e53bb15 |
22 octets | locking script |
Output 2 | ||
98151b0000000000 |
int64 | Amount in Satoshi |
16 |
varint | length of script (0x16 = 22) |
00143d4427468cbe 7ae396427a1aa912 8fa05b18c7db |
22 octets | locking script |
Witness data | ||
02 |
varint | Count of witness components |
Witness component 1 | ||
47 |
varint | Length of witness component (0x47 = 71) |
30440220573fd275 74cfdde484347621 e1f48f85ae975cb8 c2265a04496ded03 8896822302204a5e 04a3a2d160c3158c aa39b58bfc91ac64 c484078ec0225a7d 4d2d4454661f01 |
71 octets | witnessWitness data. The length and the initial bytes reveal that this is a signature. See also witness contents for each tx output type |
Witness component 2 | ||
21 |
varint | Length of witness component (0x21 = 33) |
03d96e3819b52245 e42c76f869c9a875 f6ea5344cf1aee2e 6b3ab03adcfef0d8 0e |
33 octets | witnessWitness data. Length is consistent with public key and that is what P2WPKH expects here. |
de3b0b00 |
unit32 | Lock time: 000b3bde = block 736222 |
The input count is also a count of witnesses (if Segwit flag is set). Each witness starts with a count of witness components.
The witness components are things like digital-signatures that would have been part of the unlocking scripts in pre-segwit transactions.
The exact meaning depends on the transaction output type, which is determined by inspecting the locking script on the earlier transaction whose output is being spent as an input in this transaction.
See list of witness contents for each output type