I currently use bitcoin RPC calls. As you know "listtransaction" method is athe importaddress
wallet-based method. For new addresses first I need to import it RPC command on Bitcoin Core to my wallet by calling "importaddress" method and enabling rescan parameter (rescan=true). Whenever rescanning process are completedthe transaction history related to an address, I can see total transactions of it such that "listtransaction" return empty list before rescanning blocks. This processwhich i then query using (rescanning)listtransactions
. The address import takes about 1a hour for each new address importingas it necessitates to rescan the whole block chain. So, this procedure is not practical for us and user not
#1) Does
Is there exist a faster way for get totalto query the historical transactions of every givenassociated with an address?
#2) How do the known providers like Blockcypher solve this problem using Bitcoin Core?