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I'm not an expert in this field by any kindmeans (and my error message was different), but I spent last week trying to make Bitcoinj to sign my transactionsa transaction and send them in raw form (i.e. without using transport protocol which Bitcoinj provides) and here's what I've learntlearned (by thethe hard way): You can't sign transactions like that. If you call tx.addSignedInput in a loop, you'll corrupt transaction's signature and it's gonna to be invalid. The solution (after brainstorming with my team and trying a few recipes here (this one didn't work), at Bitcoin Stack Exchange) was add all Inputs to the transaction and then sign them manually.

I'm not an expert in this field by any kind (and my error message was different), but I spent last week trying to make Bitcoinj to sign my transactions and send them in raw form (i.e. without using transport protocol which Bitcoinj provides) and here's what I've learnt (by the hard way): You can't sign transactions like that. If you call tx.addSignedInput in a loop, you'll corrupt transaction's signature and it's gonna to be invalid. The solution (after brainstorming with my team and trying a few recipes here (this one didn't work), at Bitcoin Stack Exchange) was add all Inputs to the transaction and then sign them manually.

I'm not an expert in this field by any means (and my error message was different), but I spent last week trying to make Bitcoinj sign a transaction and send in raw form (i.e. without using transport protocol which Bitcoinj provides) and here's what I've learned (the hard way): You can't sign transactions like that. If you call tx.addSignedInput in a loop, you'll corrupt transaction's signature and it's gonna to be invalid. The solution (after brainstorming with my team and trying a few recipes here (this one didn't work), at Bitcoin Stack Exchange) was add all Inputs to the transaction and then sign them manually.

In bitcoinj 0.15.x the API has changed a bit
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private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (scriptPubKeyScriptPattern.isSentToRawPubKeyisP2PK(scriptPubKey)) {
        } else {
            if (!scriptPubKeyScriptPattern.isSentToAddressisP2PKH(scriptPubKey)) {
                throw new ScriptException(ScriptError.SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Unable to sign this scriptPubKeyscrptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (scriptPubKey.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
        } else {
            if (!scriptPubKey.isSentToAddress()) {
                throw new ScriptException("Unable to sign this scriptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (ScriptPattern.isP2PK(scriptPubKey)) {
        } else {
            if (!ScriptPattern.isP2PKH(scriptPubKey)) {
                throw new ScriptException(ScriptError.SCRIPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Unable to sign this scrptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
Didn't notice an error in code
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private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount = gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (scriptPubKey.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
        } else {
            if (!scriptPubKey.isSentToAddress()) {
                throw new ScriptException("Unable to sign this scriptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount = gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (scriptPubKey.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
        } else {
            if (!scriptPubKey.isSentToAddress()) {
                throw new ScriptException("Unable to sign this scriptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
private void addInputsToTransaction(Address sourceAddress, Transaction tx, @NonNull BalanceResponse.Unspents[] unspents, Long amount) {
    long gatheredAmount = 0L;
    long requiredAmount = amount + TX_FEE;
    for (BalanceResponse.Unspents unspent : unspents) {
        gatheredAmount += unspent.getAmount();
        TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParams, unspent.getvOut(), Sha256Hash.wrap(unspent.getTxId()));
        TransactionInput transactionInput = new TransactionInput(networkParams, tx, hexStringToByteArray(unspent.getScriptPubKey()),
                outPoint, Coin.valueOf(unspent.getAmount());

        if (gatheredAmount >= requiredAmount) {
    if (gatheredAmount > requiredAmount) {
        //return change to sender, in real life it should use different address
        tx.addOutput(Coin.valueOf((gatheredAmount - requiredAmount)), sourceAddress);

private void signInputsOfTransaction(Address sourceAddress, @NonNull Transaction tx, ECKey key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        Script scriptPubKey = ScriptBuilder.createOutputScript(sourceAddress);
        Sha256Hash hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);
        ECKey.ECDSASignature ecdsaSignature = key.sign(hash);
        TransactionSignature txSignature = new TransactionSignature(ecdsaSignature, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, true);

        if (scriptPubKey.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
        } else {
            if (!scriptPubKey.isSentToAddress()) {
                throw new ScriptException("Unable to sign this scriptPubKey: " + scriptPubKey);
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createInputScript(txSignature, key));
added last lines to match logic of OP's code
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