Secp256k1 was designed to be a 256-bit size elliptic curve without cofactor and admitting an efficient endomorphism for optimization purposes. The choices of the relevant parameters are derived from these criteria.
P is selected allow a more efficient implementation on general purpose computers. See Splinas'Solinas' paper on Generalized Mersenne Numbers. We don't know the exact search procedure Certicom used to select P, but it is the first prime you get if you search 2^256 - 2^32 - (1024 - x).
We know, however, that isn'tthis may not be the exact procedure they would have needed because the presence of the endomorpism requires a cube root of unity. See this answer on crypto stack exchange. But they could have searched this way and got lucky.
The generator could be just any point on the curve and it is trivial to prove that the choice of generator is irrelevant to the security of any scheme that doesn't involve coercing values into curvepoints, and pretty narrowly relevant otherwise.
We haven't been able to uncover how G was selected, but I did discover that it a value that was likely obtained by doubling a point with a very small (166 bit) x coordinate. The same value was used in several other ECC standards. (I wouldn't be surprised if it was the hash of someone's name of something silly like that, but it seems that this trivia might have followed Scott Vanstone to his grave).
Since the curve order is prime the order of G isn't a parameter so much as the result of the selection of the field and the curve equation. 'b' in the curve equation being 7 was almost certainly just because it was the first value that gives a secure curve. 'a' being 0 is a necessary condition for the endomorphism.
You might also find this old thread on bitcointalk interesting.