In BIP143 the first example has a witness signature and it doesn't appear to validate/be correct?! I wrote a super simple python program to demonstrate
import ecdsa
import asn1
#Importing the 3 pieces of data from the example to byte arrays
pub = bytearray.fromhex("025476c2e83188368da1ff3e292e7acafcdb3566bb0ad253f62fc70f07aeee6357")
sighash = bytearray.fromhex("c37af31116d1b27caf68aae9e3ac82f1477929014d5b917657d0eb49478cb670")
dersigscript = bytearray.fromhex("304402203609e17b84f6a7d30c80bfa610b5b4542f32a8a0d5447a12fb1366d7f01cc44a0220573a954c4518331561406f90300e8f3358f51928d43c212a8caed02de67eebee")
#deocding the DEC encoding
decoder = asn1.Decoder()
tag, sigscript =
#stripping off the script potion so we just have a signature
sig = bytearray(sigscript)[2:66]
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(pub, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
vk.verify(sig, sighash)
If anyone can shed some light on what stupid thing I am doing, or an example reference that breaks it down, so it works, that would be really helpful. I have also tried reversing byte order on all 8 combinations of the 3 inputs. That being said I have used the private and public key posted to do my own signatures/validation, so I am fairly confident they are in correct order, just less sure about the sig.
Thank you!!
Just wanted to list other things that were tried for completeness sake
- as pieter pointed out I was incorrectly decoding the private key. S and R are split up into 2 different variables
304402203609e17b84f6a7d30c80bfa610b5b4542f32a8a0d5447a12fb1366d7f01cc44a0220573a954c4518331561406f90300e8f3358f51928d43c212a8caed02de67eebee becomes 3044 02 20 3609e17b84f6a7d30c80bfa610b5b4542f32a8a0d5447a12fb1366d7f01cc44a 02 20 573a954c4518331561406f90300e8f3358f51928d43c212a8caed02de67eebee so the raw 64 byte sig is 609e17b84f6a7d30c80bfa610b5b4542f32a8a0d5447a12fb1366d7f01cc44a573a954c4518331561406f90300e8f3358f51928d43c212a8caed02de67eebee unfortunately that still did not work Additionally I tried using pythons native der style ecdsa which was still not successful from ecdsa.util import sigencode_der, sigdecode_der vk.verify(bytes(sig), bytes(sighash), sigdecode=sigdecode_der) and vk.verify(bytes(sig), bytes(sighash), hashlib.sha256, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) where sig starts with 0x30: 3044022047ac8e878352d3ebbde1c94ce3a10d057c24175747116f8288e5d794d12d482f0220217f36a485cae903c713331d877c1f64677e3622ad4010726870540656fe9dcb
what is interesting is the python library didn't give me any errors except bad signature. So I can't seem to find any clues yet as to how to do this with a standard library. If I do figure it out I will post an answer