I read this question, and although it helped clear things up, it didn't quite answer my question.

I inadvertently sent BTC to one of my electrum wallet's change addresses instead of a receiving address. I am asking if it is good enough to just leave the BTC in the change address, or would it be a better idea to move that BTC from the change address to a receiving address in the same wallet. Are there any negative implications of leaving BTC in a change address?

1 Answer 1


You can leave the coins in the change address and your wallet 'should' show them as a part of your balance. Your wallet should also choose to spend those coins when needed.

tl;dr, a change address is just another Bitcoin address and they are equally as safe to leave you funds in.

  • Not equally safe. It is safer, as Satoshi Nakamoto stated in Bitcoin whitepaper: "As an additional firewall, a new key pair should be used for each transaction to keep them from being linked to a common owner."
    – qpaycm
    Commented Aug 19 at 22:13

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