Using bitcoin RPC bitcoin-cli commands like:

  • listtransactions
  • gettransaction

can fee ever be positive?

1 Answer 1


The fee is always negative

See https://developer.bitcoin.org/reference/rpc/gettransaction.html

fee" : n, (numeric) The amount of the fee in BTC. This is negative and only available for the 'send' category of transactions.

  • Thanks a lot dear sir. Exactly but I found some transactions in some watch-only wallets (I used descriptors) that if I check the txid in a bitcoin explorer I get a correct negative fee yet checking them using gettransaction or listtransactions in bitcoin-cli results in positive fees. Can you provide some hints?
    – ramyar.rmn
    Commented Nov 17 at 11:13
  • Do you have an example txid? Commented Nov 17 at 11:25
  • 6e5fb370d70249246d53ea7aaa483a551d2e194a99b732eb8e7700f29d3c621f there are several others
    – ramyar.rmn
    Commented Nov 17 at 12:04

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