I just wanted to install bitcoin-qt on another machine (all others are working fine) but I cannot seem to retrieve the block chain using bitcoin-qt 0.8.6-beta (as downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/files/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.8.6/bitcoin-0.8.6-win32-setup.exe/download).
I'm running bitcoin-qt (started as as administrator) on Windows 8 using a 3G data connection. After downloading a few thousand blocks the software keeps on quitting with the error "failed to read block". When I restart the software it fetches another thounsand blocks and quits with the same error soon.
Even a full reinstall (I additionally deleted the whole data directory in %APPDATA\Bitcoin) doesn's seem to help. Starting bitcoin-qt with "-reindex" didn't help either. I checked the hd-drive for errors but didn't find any.
What am I dong wrong?