I'm having trouble getting my Zeusminer Blizzard running; neither cgminer nor BFGminer detect it. Here are the results of lsusb
Bus 001 Device 025: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light
bfgminer -d? -D
says this. The relevant line, I think, is
[2014-07-15 09:33:03] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:001:025 (path=(null), vid=10c4, pid=ea60, manuf=Silicon Labs, prod=CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller, serial=0001)
And here is how I start up BFG: /home/me/crypto/bfgminer/bfgminer -S zeus:/dev/ttyUSB25 --set zeus:clock=340 --o stratum+tcp://mypool.com:6030 -u myuser -p mypass
I've also tried -S zeus:auto
, /dev/tty25 and /dev/ttyS25 (because both of those files exist in my /dev directory, so I gave them a try), and detecting devices from the menu in BFG (which has actually worked for me in the past, but alas not this time). I made sure to compile it with the --enable-scrypt option.
I've determined that it's Device 025 by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
Any help or hints, anything to try, would be greatly appreciated; I'm eager to get my Zeusminer working and have been banging my head against a wall for a day trying. I also tried the version of cgminer that comes with it, with the same results.
Update: I'm using Bfgminer 4.4.0, which is the most recent, compiled from github yesterday. I compiled with --enable-script.
Update2: Using the new command line arguments from Mathias711 below, the Zeusminer is finally detected, but throws errors and does not hash. The errors are:
ZUS 0aa: Comms error (werr=1)
[2014-07-15 22:52:40] ZUS 0aa: Failed to reopen on /dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-07-15 22:52:40] ZUS 0aa failure, attempting to reinitialize
[2014-07-15 22:52:40] ZUS 0aa: Failed to reopen on /dev/ttyUSB0
[2014-07-15 22:52:40] ZUS 0aa failure, disabling!
[2014-07-15 22:52:40] ZUS 0aa being disabled
Those are using /home/me/crypto/bfgminer/bfgminer --scrypt -S zeusminer:all --set zeusminer:clock=340 -o stratum+tcp://myreu.nut2pools.com:6030 -u me -p pass
It actually does hash a tiny bit, but I can't tell if that's a display error or what.
Update 3: Solved!
The first problem was the command I was starting it with. "zeus" is no longer a valid option; in newer versions of BFG, it's "zeusminer". The final, working command in BFGminer 4.4.1 is
/home/me/crypto/bfgminer/bfgminer --scrypt -S zeusminer:all --set zeusminer:clock=340 -o stratum+tcp://myreu.nut2pools.com:6030 -u me -p pass
.The second issue, the one that caused the list of errors above, was a bad power supply. I decided to try it with a power supply that I knew was good, and as soon as I plugged it in the errors stopped and it began to hash. It's pretty scary that it was running for hours with a bad power supply; I've had that ruin entire computers.
I've read reports of other people getting bad power supplies with their Blizzards, too. Combined with my own experiences on this one, if I ever buy another, the power supply is going right in the trash.