I am setting up my site on a hosting (not a server, just a hosting) where i will accept payments of bitcoins and maybe other cryptos later, after a week or so, i want to "sweep" my wallets.
In short:
I have a list with privatekeys and minikeys. That's all. I want to know if possibly, without quering API (html dom of blockchain.info/q/ would be better) which wallet has balance >0 and saves that key into another file.
So is there any way to check balances without importing? I mean, converting private keys to wallet adress?
Or maybe there is any way to create a wallet with PHP where i can create a wallet, get it's wallet adress and private key.
I don't want to use API, since some apis has limited querries per hour, and if i want to check them all hourly / daily it may hit the limit.
Thanks for help!