I'm reading the Protocol Documentation page for the 'tx' data structure and cannot find a completely clear definition of the 'tx_witness' data structure.

After the 'tx_out' table, there is short comment stating that "The TxWitness structure consists of a var_int count of witness data components, followed by (for each witness data component) a var_int length of the component and the raw component data itself."

Could someone post a table, similar to others on the Protocol Documentation page, defining clearly how a 'tx_witness' data structure should be formed?

1 Answer 1


In Bitcoin Core, the scriptWitness property (for the CTxIn class) is serialized from a CTransaction as a std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >, so I would imagine the serialized version would look something like:


| Field Size |        Description      |       Data Type        |
| 0+         | witness_component count | var_int                |
| ?          | witness_components      | witness_component[]    |


| Field Size |   Description    | Data Type |
| 0+         | component length | var_int   |
| ?          | component        | uchar[]   |


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