I've been running bitcoin core 0.15 as regtest, and had X bitcoin in my balance all are from legacy output addresses, As I upgraded to 0.16 core version check in debug the legacy addresses are still validated as mine. but no balance. I wonder will this happen as I will upgrade my wallet at the mainnet as well ?
I wish to be able and support creation of legacy address and SegWit on the same wallet and as of comments on How to generate SegWit address I see I will need to run bitcoin core each time with a new param "-addresstype=legacy" to enable it, so is there a better way ?
[edit 1] - I should/need to run with same "-datadir" arg ?
[edit 2] - I run it under same -datadir.
[edit 3] - I’ve opened issue
. Otherwise you're working in a completely independent environment with its own wallet.