I have two bitcoind regtest processes; v0.16.3 and v0.14.3. I got "unexpected witness data found (code 16)" when v0.14.3 node try to received a block from the peer (v0.16.3)

How can I fix it? (I'm tring to reproduce CVE-2018-17144 error, the DoS issue, for learning. I think I reproduced the another issue, inflation bug. reproduce CVE-2018-17144 (inflation bug) on regtest for learning)

This is what I did:

// start bitcoindA (v0.16.3)
$ /home/zono/bitcoinA/src/bitcoind -server -listen -port=17591 -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16591 -datadir=$HOME/regtest/A/ -connect=localhost:17592 -regtest -pid=$HOME/regtest/A/.pid -daemon -debug

// start bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
$ /home/zono/bitcoinB/src/bitcoind -server -listen -port=17592 -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16592 -datadir=$HOME/regtest/B/ -connect=localhost:17591 -regtest -pid=$HOME/regtest/B/.pid -daemon -debug

// generate a block on bitcoindA
$ ./bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16591 -regtest generate 1

// check log on bitcoindB
$ tail -f /home/zono/regtest/B/regtest/debug.log

2019-01-27 03:36:27 Requesting block 086e6b0cdb854c4ffa08033af35a0a5866aebf1fe72195805401c4e7692861cb (1) peer=0
2019-01-27 03:36:27 sending getdata (37 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 03:36:27 received: block (262 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 03:36:27 received block 086e6b0cdb854c4ffa08033af35a0a5866aebf1fe72195805401c4e7692861cb peer=0
2019-01-27 03:36:27 ERROR: AcceptBlock: unexpected-witness, ContextualCheckBlock : unexpected witness data found (code 16)
2019-01-27 03:36:27 Misbehaving: peer=0 (0 -> 100) BAN THRESHOLD EXCEEDED
2019-01-27 03:36:27 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED
2019-01-27 03:36:27 sending reject (58 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 03:36:27 Warning: not banning local peer!

Update 1

I found the segwit status of the v0.14.3 is "defined"

// bitcoindA (v0.16.3)
$ ./bitcoinA/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16591 getblockchaininfo
  "chain": "regtest",
  "blocks": 1,
  "bestblockhash": "4c5dab9fb090b4eec3d248a1531abf0e02f6f8d4f6331cefe574477c38a93c0d",
  "bip9_softforks": {
    "segwit": {
      "status": "active",
      "startTime": -1,
      "timeout": 9223372036854775807,
      "since": 0

// bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
$ ./bitcoinA/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16592 getblockchaininfo
  "chain": "regtest",
  "blocks": 0,
  "bestblockhash": "0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206",
  "difficulty": 4.656542373906925e-10,
  "bip9_softforks": {
    "segwit": {
      "status": "defined",
      "startTime": 0,
      "timeout": 999999999999,
      "since": 0

I added "-prematurewitness" and "-walletprematurewitness" option but the result is same. (unexpected witness data found (code 16))

/home/zono/bitcoinB/src/bitcoind -server -listen -port=17592 -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16592 -datadir=$HOME/regtest/B/ -connect=localhost:17591 -regtest -pid=$HOME/regtest/B/.pid -daemon -debug -prematurewitness -walletprematurewitness

Then, I tried to mine in bitcoindB (v0.14.3) but I got another error like following. (16: bad-witness-nonce-size)

2019-01-27 04:59:13 received: getdata (37 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 04:59:13 received getdata (1 invsz) peer=0
2019-01-27 04:59:13 received getdata for: witness-block 593a4919ae144569e83a6145e717b920fdd2a4267b427bdfd38c265d6bc5e1ea peer=0
2019-01-27 04:59:13 sending block (226 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 04:59:13 received: reject (62 bytes) peer=0
2019-01-27 04:59:13 Reject block code 16: bad-witness-nonce-size: hash 593a4919ae144569e83a6145e717b920fdd2a4267b427bdfd38c265d6bc5e1ea
2019-01-27 04:59:13 Unknown command "reject" from peer=0

seems I need to mine up to the certain block to active segwit.

Did you activate segwit yet? Have you mined 288 blocks (IIRC that's the threshold for regtest) to activate segwit?


Update 2

Segwit activated after generating 432 blocks based on this page. https://gist.github.com/t4sk/0bc6b35a26998b9007d68f376a852636

However, bitcoindA (v0.16.3) rejected the block due to "16: bad-witness-nonce-size"

// generate 432 blocks on bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
$ ./bitcoinB/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16591 -regtest generate 432

// check segwit status on bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
$ ./bitcoinB/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16592 getblockchaininfo
  "chain": "regtest",
  "blocks": 432,
  "headers": 432,
  "bestblockhash": "04488f65623bf43557e7874e5d576addf5b4f43bcd44821ba90876274de74347",
  "bip9_softforks": {
    "segwit": {
      "status": "active",
      "startTime": 0,
      "timeout": 999999999999,
      "since": 432

// check sync status on bitcoindA (v0.16.3)
$ ./bitcoinA/src/bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16591 getblockchaininfo
  "chain": "regtest",
  "blocks": 0,
  "headers": 432,
  "bestblockhash": "0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206",

// check log on bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
$ tail -f /home/zono/regtest/B/regtest/debug.log
2019-01-27 05:20:29 Reject block code 16: bad-witness-nonce-size: hash 0a11f9ae506ba184eef4a70e59e41599311c060c3466772bc632507cec973889

Update 3

I added "-vbparams=segwit:0:999999999999" param for bitcoind but still I get the error. "unexpected witness data found"

// bitcoindB (v0.14.3)
/home/zono/bitcoinB/src/bitcoind -server -listen -port=17592 -rpcuser=bitcoinrpc -rpcpassword=bitcoinrpcpass -rpcport=16592 -datadir=$HOME/regtest/B/ -connect=localhost:17591 -regtest -pid=$HOME/regtest/B/.pid -daemon -debug -vbparams=segwit:0:999999999999

// The error message on bitcoindB (v0.14.3) after generating 1 block on bitcoindA (v0.16.3)
2019-01-28 08:37:29 ERROR: AcceptBlock: unexpected-witness, ContextualCheckBlock : unexpected witness data found (code 16)

// The result of getblockchaininfo on bitcoindB (v0.14.3). Still the status is "defined"
"bip9_softforks": {
  "segwit": {
    "status": "defined",
    "startTime": 0,
    "timeout": 999999999999,
    "since": 0
  • 1
    I think the network parameters of regtest may have changed between versions. Jan 27, 2019 at 19:36
  • 1
    @zono, could you try with adding vbparams=segwit:0:999999999999 to the v0.14.3 node's bitcoin.conf file?
    – arubi
    Jan 27, 2019 at 21:43
  • @arubi thank you. but still no luck. I added the result as "update 3".
    – zono
    Jan 28, 2019 at 8:52
  • 1
    @zono, yea I see now - one defined and one is already active at genesis. It might work then if you also add vbparams=segwit:0:99999999999 to the v0.16.3 node, so they both have the same setting. I'm almost positive that I had this setup working before, but unfortunately I didn't keep the .conf files
    – arubi
    Jan 28, 2019 at 17:15
  • 1
    @arubi Thank you! It worked. When you have time, can you post your comment as an answer so that I can show this question was solved. (simple answer is ok, e.g "add vbparams=segwit:0:99999999999 in .conf on both the nodes")
    – zono
    Jan 29, 2019 at 4:51

1 Answer 1


As the two nodes do not agree on segwit's activation scheme on regtest, the solution is to set a common version bits parameter to both of them. For example, adding vbparams=segwit:0:99999999999 in the two nodes' .conf files will work.

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