if a BTC transaction is made in to a blockchain wallet address and it is not seen in it activities but appears in the blockchain explorer that the transaction has been made What will I do 266fddc5f0ca7a8afb89931ea71ee0cb21b6b6f84f3061e2428f656fcf25b9f9

  • 1
    Hi Besong, do I understand correctly that you are using a blockchain.com wallet and the transaction appears on the block explorer but not on the wallet? Have you confirmed that the address on the blockexplorer matches the one in your wallet?
    – Murch
    Oct 17, 2020 at 23:54
  • Yes I have confirmed that the address matches. I bought the BTC from switchere and send to a friend using blockchain wallet.This is the wallet 1JkRcgMn8peDXsJXU4j7sQytP3RCcTk7Za and this is the order 266fddc5f0ca7a8afb89931ea71ee0cb21b6b6f84f3061e2428f656fcf25b9f9
    – Besong
    Oct 20, 2020 at 7:46
  • I need some to verify for me if the transaction was safely deposited in that wallet and why it did not appear in the wallet activity
    – Besong
    Oct 20, 2020 at 7:56


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