I am creating a miner in C++ for solo mining, and am struggling to create the proper coinbase transaction.
Say I have a bc1 address, like bc1qfc7fameteuguetm0kfzypnvf2ju6wppdvj6tkc
, what would be and example of a coinbase transaction with this, and how would I get to it?
01000000 .............................. Version
01 .................................... Number of inputs
| 00000000000000000000000000000000
| 00000000000000000000000000000000 ... Previous outpoint TXID
| ffffffff ............................ Previous outpoint index
| 29 .................................. Bytes in coinbase // height+message below, byte length
| |
| | 03 ................................ Bytes in height
| | | 4e0105 .......................... Height: 328014
| |
| | 062f503253482f0472d35454085fffed
| | f2400000f90f54696d65202620486561
| | 6c74682021 ........................ Arbitrary data // custom data, include extranonce here
| 00000000 ............................ Sequence // i thought this was all Fs?
01 .................................... Output count
| 2c37449500000000 .................... // coinbase value
| ????????????????? ............. // here, how do i properly fill this part??
| 00000000 ............................ Locktime
These are the parts needed to create the data for the transaction.
Everything up to the output, i understand. but i dont know what to put between the coinbase value and locktime. how does the address convert to hex? what OP codes do i need? and is this transaction layout correct?
And then I would then hash it and input it as a new transaction into the block as like so,
tx = {
"data" : "<hex string mentioned above>",
"hash" : "<double sha256 of data above>",
is that the only data i need for the json?
Thanks in advance.