Reading the ElectrumX documentation, found that the method for getting balance of any public address was: blockchain.address.get_balance, but was removed. Now, I understand that blockchain.scripthash.get_balance is the way for getting balances for any public address, but it requires a "scriphash".

Checking documentation for Script Hashes shows stepts for hashing the address to get script hash.

With this python code, I can get the electrum server data:

import json
from time import sleep

port = 50001
host = ''

content = {
    "method": "blockchain.scripthash.get_balance",
    "params": ["af6df685465a42b753bf72dfdf36c43ea3c2931025411940609da6f2404b00c4"], # this is a tx_hash
    "id": 0

def electrumx(host, port, content):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((host, port))
    res = ""
    while True:
        data = sock.recv(1024)
        if (not data):
        res += data.decode()

electrumx(host, port, content)

With a transaction hash, it throws some results, not exactly the balance of any address involved:


My questions are:

  1. What means "script hash" of a public address?
  2. Is required to use a transaction hash, like in the code?
  3. Why when using tx hash always shows "result":{"confirmed":0,"unconfirmed":0} even if the address has funds.
  4. Can the script hash be obtained just from a public address?

Thank you very much.

1 Answer 1


Well, it's been a long time, but I've been able to find a way by myself.

The python function for getting script hash is this:

from pycoin.symbols.btc import network
import hashlib
def get_script_hash(addr):
    script = network.parse.address(addr).script()
    return hashlib.sha256(script).digest()[::-1].hex()

And the full code to check the balance of a public address from a local electrum server is:

import socket
import json
from time import sleep
from pycoin.symbols.btc import network
import hashlib

port = 50001
host = ''

def get_script_hash(addr):
    script = network.parse.address(addr).script()
    return hashlib.sha256(script).digest()[::-1].hex()

def electrumx(host, port, content):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((host, port))
    sock.sendall(json.dumps(content).encode('utf-8') + b'\n')
    res = ""
    while True:
        data = sock.recv(1024)
        if not data:
        res += data.decode()
    balance = eval(res)['result']
    print(f'{addr} has {balance["confirmed"] / 100000000} confirmed bitcoins')
    print(f'{addr} has {balance["unconfirmed"] / 100000000} unconfirmed bitcoins')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    addr = "1x8cQ1gKJ5dwBRr1mjsYfsJbWBHJDnxg9"
    script_hash = get_script_hash(addr)
    content = {
        "method": "blockchain.scripthash.get_balance",
        "params": [script_hash],
        "id": 0}
    electrumx(host, port, content)

Thank you.

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