I got the address for my account on a site and wrote it down. As I had had a huge hassle buying my bitcoin that morning due to problems with the vendor's site (and which they denied was at their end for 3 or more hours, nearly drove me spare) I was flusterred quite badly.
Anyway, for some reason that is still not apparent to me I clicked on a button saying "generate new account". However, as the site kicked me out due to poor connectivity and it flagged me that "your request could not be processed", I sent the bitcoin off to the address I had written down.
Some hours later I went to the site to check my balance...my funds were not there. There was A NEW ADDRESS for sending bitcoin to in my account details.
So, it would appear that I have sent my bitcoin to a valid address that is now redundant.
What will happen to my bitcoins? Will they bounce around for a few days before coming back or will they just disappear into the ether?