I am having trouble finding examples showing a known WIF to a valid mainnet P2TR address.

I am working on a tool and want to see if my P2TR conversions/encodings are outputting the correct P2TR address.

For example, a known Private Key (empty string brain wallet):

I am getting the following P2TR:

Is this the correct P2TR for this private key. Any way I can test/confirm this is correct?

  • I've been working on a set of wallet-focused test vectors for BIP341: github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1225 Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 5:49
  • 1
    If I use that WIF key directly as output pubkey (not recommended) I get bc1p5d9enu3v0yxyud4jk0pvxk3kmvrzymjpc6f0eq4ck44vr32qck7scr6tj5. If I use the procedure in BIP341 (tweaking it with H_TapTweak(xonly_pubkey))), I get bc1ps7qmhrpjnkwrraxwparm4drmvk4jdj6rlg4gtwm0q0je3r7afhnspef95z. Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 6:08

1 Answer 1


Meanwhile, BIP341 has been updated to link to a set of test vectors covering scriptPubKey computation, keypath spending, and control block construction.

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