The short answer is no. The ' PCI ' card in that link is a PCIx16. The PCI standard ( usualy white colored slots ) is really slow compared to the short PCIx1 ( usually short black ) slots. I have looked in to those ' adapters ' for PCI to PCIE and they slow down the connection further. I also have a few PCIx16 v2.0 cards that are not recognised on any motherboard that is either PCIx16 v1.0a, v1.0. and no amount of jumpers, adapters, etc will ever get them recognised due to how the motherboard manufacturer updates their BIOS due to wiring for the difference between the versions. It is cheaper, faster and easier to set up another motherboard ( with the adapter from the short to long x16 slots ) to get a second mining rig going. I have hardware experience and enough old motherboards given to me that if there was a way to ' plug in ' a mining card to the PCI slot ( with or with out adapters ) and guarantee that it would work, there would be a link to youtube showing how to do it.