Right now on https://bitcoinfees.net , it is showing the following chart:

enter image description here

So it is show 55 - 57 sat / vB is needed for the transfer to take place in about an hour.

How do we interpret this chart? For example, what if it is a one person to one person transfer, then what will the fees be?

Or if it is from 2 wallets transferring to 400 wallets, then what will the fees be per wallet (for the 400 wallets, assuming they divide up the fees equally per wallet. So one wallet can be receiving US$10 worth of BTC, while another one can be receiving US$400 of it). (this is a scenario how the mining pool pays out to their miners).

1 Answer 1


How do we interpret this chart? For example, what if it is a one person to one person transfer, then what will the fees be?

You have to figure out the size of a transaction before it's sent1,2

Then multiply the size by the fee-rate for your preferred confirmation time.

Murch's table of (upper bound of) standard transaction sizes may help.

Murch's table of transaction sizes Reproduced without permission! Follow link above to see latest version by author of table.

Or this one

Another table by Murch

The sources of these images have additional information that is helpful



  1. Can I figure out the size of a transaction before its sent?
  2. Be aware of the difference between size in bytes, size in vbytes and size in weight units.

  • A similar table also appears in this answer: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/84006/5406, and this answer may also be helpful: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/q/66428/5406
    – Murch
    Commented Jan 4 at 19:05
  • Thanks Murch, I added those links to my answer for greater prominence. Commented Jan 4 at 20:11
  • is there like a good rule of thumb, such as 1 wallet to 1 wallet cannot be more than 70 vB, so at 57 sat / vB, that means no more than 3990 satoshi -- something like that? Commented Jan 5 at 1:59
  • There's no good rule of thumb based on wallet counts because the size depends on coin selection and address type. Some wallets should do these calculations for you. Commented Jan 5 at 12:19
  • coin selection: isn't it bitcoin? and address type: isn't it a bitcoin address? Can a bitcoin address have different length? If so, we can actually have a worst case scenario. If a user knows it is at most $0.30 vs at most $3.00, that already says a lot Commented Jan 6 at 0:10

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