I'm trying to calculate the new target for Block 32256, but I'm not getting the expected result. Here's what I did:

  1. Timestamp of the previous block (32255) = 1262152739
  2. Timestamp of block (32255 - 2015 = 30240) = 1261130161
  3. Diff: 1262152739 - 1261130161 = 1022578
  4. Note that there is no limit adjustment (1/2 weeks < 1022578 < 8 weeks)
  5. Current target (0x1d00ffff) = 26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960
  6. Multiply the difference with current target
    = 1022578 * 26959535291011309493156476344723991336010898738574164086137773096960
    = 27568227678811762838892963267635169612395352810293691562874591737943162880
  7. Divide by two weeks
    27568227678811762838892963267635169612395352810293691562874591737943162880 / 1209600
    = 22791193517536179595645637622052884930882401463536451358196587084939

From what I understand, this should be the new target for block 32256 and the following 2015 blocks. However, it isn't - the correct new target as given in blockexplorer is:


As you can see, my result was kind of in the ballpark, but not correct. What am I missing here?

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2 Answers 2


The actual target (and thus difficulty) is determined by its compact 32-bit encoding.

After the computation you did above, you should round it to the nearest compactly-representable target (24-bit accuracy, multiple of 256). That is the target encoded inside blocks, and the one that matters.


as pieter says, you need to convert the target into its "bits" value, which is a 4 byte compressed value for the target. the following python code converts from your original value in (7) into the value given in blockexplorer.com:

import binascii

def target_int2bits(target):
    # comprehensive explanation here: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/2926/2116

    # get in base 256 as a hex string
    target_hex = int2hex(target)

    bits = "00" if (hex2int(target_hex[: 2]) > 127) else ""
    bits += target_hex # append
    bits = hex2bin(bits)
    length = int2bin(len(bits), 1)

    # the bits value could be zero (0x00) so make sure it is at least 3 bytes
    bits += hex2bin("0000")

    # the bits value could be bigger than 3 bytes, so cut it down to size
    bits = bits[: 3]

    return length + bits

def bits2target_int(bits_bytes):
    exp = bin2int(bits_bytes[: 1]) # exponent is the first byte
    mult = bin2int(bits_bytes[1:]) # multiplier is all but the first byte
    return mult * (2 ** (8 * (exp - 3)))

def int2hex(intval):
    hex_str = hex(intval)[2:]
    if hex_str[-1] == "L":
        hex_str = hex_str[: -1]
    if len(hex_str) % 2:
        hex_str = "0" + hex_str
    return hex_str

def hex2int(hex_str):
    return int(hex_str, 16)

def hex2bin(hex_str):
    return binascii.a2b_hex(hex_str)

def int2bin(val, pad_length = False):
    hexval = int2hex(val)
    if pad_length: # specified in bytes
        hexval = hexval.zfill(2 * pad_length)
    return hex2bin(hexval)

def bin2hex(binary):
    # convert raw binary data to a hex string. also accepts ascii chars (0 - 255)
    return binascii.b2a_hex(binary)

def bin2int(binary):
    return hex2int(bin2hex(binary))

>>> bits_bytes = target_int2bits(22791193517536179595645637622052884930882401463536451358196587084939)
>>> bin2hex(bits_bytes)
>>> # this ^^ is the value in blockexplorer.com in brackets.
>>> # display the "bits" as an integer:
>>> bits2target_int(bits_bytes)
>>> # this ^^ is the value at the end of your answer.
  • bin2int is not defined here. Commented Jul 6, 2017 at 1:54
  • @PhilippeRemy I have now added it Commented Jul 6, 2017 at 9:09

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