When I try to add devices to BFGMiner and BitMinter, Only 3/4 devices will be detected, When I go to Devices and Printers (In Windows 7) it shows all of my ASIC Miners.
Here is the error:
2014.02.26 [19:09] BitMinter Client v1.4.3 started
2014.02.26 [19:09] Found 1 OpenCL-compatible GPU
2014.02.26 [19:09] Hint: Use performance mode for best GPU results (bottom right button)
2014.02.26 [19:09] Probing all ports for external devices
2014.02.26 [19:09] Probe of port COM16 failed: timeout
2014.02.26 [19:09] No external devices detected.
2014.02.26 [19:09] Device detected on COM15: Icarus
2014.02.26 [19:09] Icarus detection on COM3 failed. Expected nonce 0x00000109 but got 0x3F3F3F09.
2014.02.26 [19:09] Device detected on COM3: Icarus
2014.02.26 [19:10] Icarus detection on COM17 failed. Expected nonce 0x00000109 but got 0xFFFFFFFF.
2014.02.26 [19:10] Icarus detection on COM17 failed. Expected nonce 0x00000109 but got 0xFFFFFFFF.
2014.02.26 [19:10] Probe of port COM17 failed: timeout
2014.02.26 [19:10] Error reading from COM17: File descriptor is -1 < 0, maybe closed by previous error condition
2014.02.26 [19:10] Device detected on COM16: Icarus
How can I get the miners to detect all the devices. The devices are on COM 3, 17, 19, and 20
Thanks, Bgordy