I have compiled my-newcoin-qt and my-newcoind on different platforms (windows, Linux and Mac), with my coin specification based on litecoin.

When I run my-newcoin-qt at the first time, I get no error but the message:

0 Active Connections 

What should I do as the next step? Should I compile seeder software on VPS server?

1 Answer 1


I bought a droplet on DigitalOcean running Ubuntu 12.04. It is only $5/month. I opened the port, compiled my *coind program on it, created my .conf file and ran it. Now my client coin programs connect to it.

  • thank you, is that possible to run *coind and software seeder together on one server? (e.g VPS Server)
    – behzadtala
    Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 8:24
  • unfortunately I am not sure about that. I am still setting my coin nodes up too. I don't see why not, however. You should be able to just run *coind in addition to the seeder software. Also, I am assuming you have seen this: github.com/sipa/bitcoin-seeder Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 16:48

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