I'm new to bitcoin programming and decided to give it a try with the release of bitcoinjs-lib 1.0. Here is how I generate the hex for the transaction

var bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');

var key = bitcoin.ECKey.fromWIF("cS4fb6sHrJ2VrfqRNBkk6eHMCB5PY6Bayyo695VaSdfZLMbPZiGv");
var tx = new bitcoin.Transaction();

tx.addInput("129aa78e5649715ecc7121aee0cdba06527061976be9c38c3a9fd9ae258665c3", 0);
tx.addOutput("msj42CCGruhRsFrGATiUuh25dtxYtnpbTx", 15000)

tx.sign(0, key)


and here is the hex output


I looked through the lib but couldn't find where to inject the bitcoin.networks.testnet object and the documentation is empty

1 Answer 1


Everything is fine with your tx.

Here it is: http://test.webbtc.com/tx/034dfa392aa7ea46bc0917cdaa2794a5f03e6f935b6518a103cb0f5e923a05be

I've pushed it to the network with this form: http://test.webbtc.com/relay_tx

  • weird I used tbtc.blockr.io/tx/push and got an error when trying to push, i'll use webbtc.com instead thanks !
    – JohnT
    Commented Jul 3, 2014 at 13:23

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