I've just started Litecoin mining, and I've realized that my blockchain takes eons to download, even though its only less than 4GB. I've read several other posts on the same problem, but none of them seem to give a comprehensive step by step tutorial on how to port forward. Could someone please explain to me the details on how to port forward for Litecoin mining? I've gotten this far:
EDIT: Ok, I've set up a rule for my firewall to allow the Litecoin ports, but now I'm stuck at setting up a reserved address. Here's a picture:
EDIT: Alright, I've found my device on the list of devices on my LAN (Tim-W) and clicked the button saying always use the same IP Address. Is that what I'm supposed to do? BTW, there has been no real change in the number of connections, or connection speed with the Litecoin Network since I had done this. It seems that the peak was about 13 connections after I set a rule for my firewall to allow the Litecoin ports, then it just went downwards - I'm stuck at around 39 weeks left to download off the blockchain:
Something else I noted was that I couldn't assign the Litecoin port settings to my device either.