I'm trying to make a simple program that can reliably upload an OP_RETURN transaction. I have found some examples online, but so far they don't work consistently. The ones that go through seem to be random. Here are the transactions that went through
It is very hit or miss every time I try. I have been entirely unable to upload any transactions using the script, however once in a while if I upload the raw transaction using blockchain they go through. Any ideas? Here is the error message.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/JC/Documents/DevelopmentStuff/programming /Python/bit/op-return_test2.py", line 51, in <module>
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bitcoin/bci.py", line 237, in pushtx
return f(*args)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bitcoin/bci.py", line 192, in bci_pushtx
return make_request('https://blockchain.info/pushtx', 'tx='+tx)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bitcoin/bci.py", line 23, in make_request
raise Exception(p)
Exception: None Standard Script Output OP_RETURN 48656c6c6f
Here is the code. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks
# coding: utf-8
from bitcoin import *
import binascii
from test import *
priv = "Private key"
pub = "1Eoo7G7u97EMwptSxjYjpvdx9zYcqJBn9y"
addr= "1Eoo7G7u97EMwptSxjYjpvdx9zYcqJBn9y"
inputs = unspent(addr)
message = "Hello"
FullLen = format(len(message)+2,'x').rjust(2,'0')
MessageLen = format(len(message),'x').rjust(2,'0')
ID = binascii.hexlify(str(message))
#snd = "6a4c28"+ID
snd = "6a"+MessageLen+ID
print hexlify(chr(len(message)))
print MessageLen
print snd
#snd = "6a4c"+MessageLen+ID
#print snd
newScriptPubKey = "6a" + hexlify(chr(len(message)))+ hexlify(message)
#print newScriptPubKey
outputs = [{'value': 50000, 'address': addr}, {'value': 0, 'script': snd}]
fee = 10000
tx = mksend(inputs, outputs, addr, fee)
dt = deserialize(tx)
ins = dt['ins']
#print addr
#print ins
print tx
for ind, elm in enumerate(ins):
print elm
tx = sign(tx, ind, priv)
print tx
print(pushtx(tx)) # Error is raised on this line