The hacker was distributing them in IRC recently, and sent some to the Bitcoin Faucet. Is this a reliable method for evading the "Bitcoin Police"?
Here's a forum thread discussing the distribution and a pastebin of the IRC conversation. Pasted below is just the beginning of the pastebin content:
<BitcoinicaHacker> Who wants free bitcoins courtesy of bitcoinica?
<grepix> who doesn't!
<BitcoinicaHacker> post your btc addr
<nanotube> i think bitcoinica wants free bitcoins courtesy of bitcoinica
<Phraust> oooh, i'll take some: 18LSrqYfUwt4q52CvSWXkSqNiDMGDADAao
<BitcoinicaHacker> d43282f1ec433cb896ddf7d4a88faa4a202c97ac6e60568eaecfd1df53d82ef6
<Phraust> sweet, many thanks.
<OneMiner> 121VuNzJi7ihM6FTv28oruemfw4fp4rvPZ I'll take a piece of that. :P
<BitcoinicaHacker> f87f87a6e053157140bd509952c999e56344fe4fa90eaf47288bbcdda7689514
<BitcoinicaHacker> 74358a453321026b197549a250c3aa65b60187f8d4ba4578de1b1422eec2937d
<OneMiner> Thank you very much.
<b00bsman> BitcoinicaHacker, wie ist der Kuchen?
<brwyatt> 12KTki1xe5xVoQneEZy2CED8Ep87ifubx7 I'll give it a try.
<brwyatt> He really wasn't kidding. o.O
<BitcoinicaHacker> 8694268cfe0aa51d7ecb3749b8f4bc8ebe7c56cc8e920f1b7b34862f9992e004
<OneMiner> Ya, seems legit.
<grepix> the BTC def showed up, but for all we know this is just a lazy trolling :D
<brwyatt> yeah
<OneMiner> The balance of the account suggests otherwise.