First off, I am rather new to Bitcoins — will be obvious after I asked my question I guess. I have read some theory about it, like it's a distributed crypto-currency based on the Bit Torrent protocol, but I still have some difficulty putting everything together.
I have freshly installed Android Bitcoin Wallet on my phone, just wanted to start somewhere. I opened the preferences and I see I have two addresses without a label — which I guess I shall define. My first question is : why are there two addresses?
I understand an address is like an SSH private public (EDIT: sorry for the confusion, seems obvious indeed) key and I think I understood it's best to have one address for my phone, one for my computer... whatever. Since I read an address shall be a single-use token, is one of them for giving and the other for receiving bitcoins?
Since an address is a single use token does that mean I should create an address each time I want to pay using bitcoins? What about receiving bitcoins then? How do people send bitcoins if change my addresses constantly?
And what if I delete an address? Will it have an effect on bitcoins I'd eventually "collected"?