For my project I need to check the balance of a public address using bitcoind. Can I do that without importing the private key, only by public address?

Need solution no dependence, because I tried with blockchain.info API and after x requests, they blocked me. I need to check a lot addresses every 30 minutes.

1 Answer 1


Instead of polling many addresses every 30 minutes, you probably want to import your addresses into bitcoind, using bitcoin-cli importaddress and then have bitcoind notify you automatically when a new transaction comes in, using the walletnotify option.

See for example: How do I use walletnotify?

There are a lot of details to get right: transactions might never confirm, the transaction ID might change. When bitcoind loses connection to the network, you want your script to be able to handle that. etc.

  • for import address bitcoind ask private key, I'm need solution only whit public key.
    – AutoSoft
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 13:12
  • 1
    Bitcoind supports watch-only addresses with only the address. See here for more details: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/22152/…
    – JohnDvorak
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 14:37

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