For a research project I need to analyse all transactions that happened in 2015. All I care about are volumes transacted, fees paid and a timestamp per transaction or corresponding block.
Getting this data via APIs over the net creates lots of overhead and lets me run into rate limits (I cannot just run 50 million+ queries against or the coinbase-API).
So I would like to get the data out of my local instance of bitcoin-core.
Unfortunately running gettransaction fails both programatically and via the commandline, despite the fact that I'm running bitcoind with the -reindex flag enabled:
{ [Error: Invalid or non-wallet transaction id] code: -5 }
I resorted to using getrawtransaction 1 which, unfortunately, only returns the transacted volumes per output. I take the txid of inputs and query the local instance again. A tedious-error prone process, I would like to know whether there is an easier way.
So, can somebody please help me with getting gettransaction working?