is there an example of how using BitcoinJ send BTC with an attachment?
Lets say I want to write to blockchain "Vaclav Bilek Born 1991".
If I understand it correctly, its just about sending minimum bitcoins possible with current minimum fee?
Is here a way how to do this in BitcoinJ ?
Usual syntax of sending BTC allow me only to send BTC like this:

kit.wallet().sendCoins(kit.peerGroup(), to, value);

How to achieve adding attachment? And how long can the attachment be? What if I want to send longer attachment, is here standardised way how to do that? Or I just make two TX and tell the people who I wants to see it, that one half is in TX1321... and other hald in TX3214... ?
Thank you

  • 1
    Possible duplicate of Insert data to transaction with OP_RETURN
    – m1xolyd1an
    Commented Feb 6, 2016 at 15:46
  • Hello, its not duplicate since link you gave me is not connected with BitcoinJ, I dont ask how to do that in general, I ask how to do that using given framework.
    – Wenza
    Commented Feb 7, 2016 at 13:03


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