I have read this: How do I restore a wallet from a backup file in MultiBit HD?
and have the words and mbhdxxxx.aes files in my cloud storage and the wallet password....
but the next button is not enabled when I enter the words:
update I have had multibit before the hd client. I have a file like
in the cloud and have found a file like
I have used decrypt_bitcoinj_seed
from github and entered my password and got 12 words to restore. The python script did not work with the long and older filename but did work with the short one. But when I have the words and try to recover it says: no datestamp found. When I use the words to continue and select a folder containing the old long file names it does proceed but with errors. I feel that I am getting closer. But I could use some pointers from people who have more experience with multibit hd and recovery.
I did found a folder in a backup on an external hdd which seems to work, but then I got:
I have had 2 wallets now in Multibit. I have selected the old one and waiting an eternity for the sync to finish. I have now my old wallet value as unconfirmed. How can I fix this? I have read this. but there is no repair... only recover.