I'm trying to use "Balance Updates [POST] Monitor addresses for received and spent payments" from https://blockchain.info/api/api_receive
I subscribe to an address and get the response:
"id": 15108,
"addr": "1P9RQEr2XeE3PEb44ZE35sfZRRW1JHU8qx",
"op": "ALL",
"confs": 3,
"callback": "https://d83bb66d.ngrok.io/bitcoin/confirmations",
"onNotification": "DELETE"
then with each new transaction I get a notification with 0 confirmations, that looks like this:
"address" : "1P9RQEr2XeE3PEb44ZE35sfZRRW1JHU8qx",
"confirmations" : 0,
"transaction_hash" : "38dbb8083a8c3006eae6c1194789941943cb60201ebfb03963188d4eb1d01d23",
"value" : -9030800
but I never get a notification with the 3rd confirmation
confs - Optional (Default 3). The number of confirmations the transaction needs to have before a notification is sent.
I tried setting confs to 1, 2 and leaving it as default, but I never get any confirmations, I have tried with different addresses, right now the transaction in this message has 5 confirmations but I didn't get any notification.
does any one know what's wrong ?