Please help me to understand how bitcoind client verifying TX with Input Script which consist only from the Sig.
For example TX 6D5DF6C0D66CFFC25CC1ABA3655952D7B081ED4E9EA3B70FCD964FDBBA01E91E
has one input from D9A9C88110775B196CDAF6FC8113B33547C8E33E68519F60D9C9FF306E096473
transaction (8 output) with Input Script 4730440220797681C6711BB3D97AE373FC5CFF47F06EEC928DD46B8A9892D92C30953C9DF3022079C36E9A4C32D4E36B9E3ACCED0D40D70D8F90890C0E9F8F4F9AC083AFFD21B301
This script has only the Sig (r,s) and has no any representation of Public Key or Address.
As I understand the Sig
creates with UnsignedTX doubleSHA256 hash
, Random Number
and Private Key
checking by using UnsignedTX doubleSHA256 hash
and a Public Key
, but here is no any of it.
Also the question is about "Where is stored UnsignedTX doubleSHA256 hash
?". Because it is not the transaction hash, because TX hash is for the signed transaction.