We know that, in general, miners prefer putting txs with higher fees into blocks. In particular, this is bad for users who do microtransactions as it doesn't make much sense to put a lot of fee if you're only sending a small amount. I've been thinking whether it is possible to overcome this.
Basically, if we somehow find a way to decouple fees from the txs themselves then every tx will look equal to the miners. When this is the case, there's no incentive to prefer one tx over another. I believe this would make the Bitcoin more "fair" to the users.
However, I can't tell whether it is possible to come up with such a protocol while maintaining the properties of the Bitcoin. What I have in my mind is basically as follows:
Users first send some "participation tax" to an adress/adresses which is collectively maintaned by the miners.
Miners in turn collectively sign a token and send back the token to users.
- Users then include this token in their txs to prove their validity. Txs without tokens can be either be discarded or might have less priority.
- The total tax sum in the pool is distributed to miners according their fraction of hash power.
- The process repeats over time periods.
The key point in here is, every tx with a valid token would look the same for miners. So, there's no reason to choose one over another. Of course, as it is, it probably has many flaws. For example, a user can pay participation fee and his txs might still not make it to the block. In this case, he basically pays the participation fee for nothing. Maybe we can overcome this with a "decentralized escrow" mechanism (not sure if this even exists) but anyway, this needs to be worked on.
What do you think ? Might such a system help the Bitcoin in a way ?