I'm looking for a very safe way to keep my bitcoins. I'm using a Trezor and used passphrase to hide additional wallets in case someone gets access to my Trezor or seed by physical coercion. I'm not interested in recommendations about keeping my seed safe. Hope this strategy can help someone in this forum and would like to get any feedback about some flaws.
My strategy needs to prevent a scenario where there is no Trezor hardware wallet (eg. Trezor is out of business). I checked for wallets that can recover my wallet using my seed and verify myself that it works. The wallets that worked at this moment (October 24th 2017) are Electrum (I used the OS X program), Mycelium (the Android app) and Wallet32 (the Android app).
I restored with Electrum by using the New/Restore -> Creating a wallet -> Standard Wallet -> I already have a seed and then provide the seed with the Extend this seed with custom words and BIP39 seed options checked. And finally provide the passphrase.
Mycelium and Wallet32 are super friendly with restoring your wallet.
Note I currently have only managed to recover my bitcoin wallet from the Legacy Account and not from the Segwit-ready Account. Looks like these wallets still haven't support this Segwit-ready accounts.