
I have a private key and wallet passphrase generated some time ago, how do I now access my funds?


2 Answers 2


private key is use to spend Bitcoin while wallet passphrase is use to recover your wallet as well as generate the private key to the wallet, in order for you to use access your fund you can import the private key in to another wallet such as blockchain wallet watch this YouTube video for clarification https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=03RbWB4ONFY

  • Hi Dprincebh, please edit existing answers instead of adding new ones, except you are providing different answers.
    – bummi
    Nov 29, 2017 at 8:01

kindly import the private key into another wallet such as blockchain you can access your Bitcoin there

  • Welcome to Bitcoin.SE! To make this answer better, it would be helpful if you expanded a bit on what the private keys are for or how to import them into another wallet (for example by providing a link to some instructions for common wallets or another SE question on importing keys) :) Nov 29, 2017 at 6:59

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