I have the following example seed:
morning twist board pelican denial retire middle inherit evil ritual omit fade general toddler grace evoke recipe sad minor destroy public dawn scissors cube
I'm trying to generate the same addresses on the ledger site which is showing up on my device: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/support/bip39-standalone.html
My intial pin was 5555 and my first bitcoin address is: 12mCn27...
I also set a "passphrase" of just the letter "a" which generates btc address: 1NSXBid...
I then did an attach to pin with the pin: 4555 which generates btc: 17Dn62...
I then added a passphrase to the 4555 pin with just the letter "b" and I get the following btc address: 1HBPpj...
- When setting up ledger nano s initially is the address randomized? And what deviration path does it start from?
- I tried pasting the example seed into https://www.ledgerwallet.com/support/bip39-standalone.html and I can't find the initial pin 5555 setup of address: 12mCn27
If I'm able to set different pins, where do I type this pin on the Mnemonic Code Converter page? It's not the passphrase field thats for sure.
If I wanted to recover all those private keys with the above scenarios with different pins and passphrases. How can I?