I'm an IT-student and writing a thesis about atomic swaps on BTC and BTC-like blockchains. For the thesis I decided to use BTC, LTC, BCH and DCR. These chains have a somehow similar codebase and the same scripting language (I'm not a professional, so there might be differences, but they are not that serious). And they all have a high enough marketcap to be relevant for atomic swaps.
So the goal of the thesis is to find hashed timelock contracts (HTLCs) and connect matching HTLCs from different chains to get the atomic swap. Therefore I first searched the web for anything on atomic swaps [1] and analyzed the input script of this transaction [2] to get a basic understanding how atomic swaps work and what they look like.
Then I wrote a go program to search for any script longer than simple P2PKH scripts. This gave me a list of many different scripts which I analyzed by hand to only take the HTLC ones. (Besides many multisig scripts, there is not much to find on BTC^^)
At this point I found multiple different types of HTLCs as listed below. Afterwards I crawled* BTC again saving all transactions with HTLC scripts, storing the interesting data like tx-id, input value, pubKeyHashes, the secrets and their hashes. I found about one hundret HTLCs on BTC so far.
I did the same for LTC and found about 400 HTLCs.
As far as I understood, the secrets of HTLCs have to be the same on both chains. So I wrote another go program to match the found HTLCs from BTC and LTC and got around 30 matches. The next steps would then be to crawl BCH and DCR and also match the HTLCs found there.
*Crawling in this case means that I start to search the blockchain backwards (to get the newest first, the beginning years are not that interesting in this case^^) until the beginning of 2017. So about 18 months. As stated in [1] the first known atomic swap between BTC and LTC was made on 19th April 2017 (or April 19th 2017 or 19.4.2017 or whatever you like). So there is not much sense in crawling any further.
My questions now are the following:
- Why are there so many different types? Is it compatibility with other chains? Or what?
- What are the differences between these types (besides length and hashing algorithm)?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types?
- Why are there so many HTLCs on LTC and so few on BTC?
- Do you know other such HTLC scripts?
- Can you provide interesting resources on this topic?
I'm open to any constructive input and hope you have a few answers for me. Thank you in advance.
Type 1: sha256 secret, length=97byte
63 if
82 size
01 data1
88 equalverify
a8 sha256
20 data32
<secret_hash 32byte>
88 equalverify
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
68 endif
88 equalverify
ac checksig
Type 2a: sha256 secret, length=94byte
63 if
a8 sha256
20 data32
<secret_hash 32byte>
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
88 equalverify
ac checksig
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
ac checksig
68 endif
Type 2b: sha256 secret, length=93byte
63 if
a8 sha256
20 data32
<secret_hash 32byte>
88 equalverify
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
68 endif
88 equalverify
ac checksig
Type 3: ripemd160 secret, length=81byte
63 if
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
68 endif
88 equalverify
ac checksig
Type 4a: hash160 secret, length=86byte
63 if
03 data3
<timelock 3byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
ac checksig
67 else
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
ad checksigverify
82 size
01 data1
21 -> 33
88 equalverify
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
87 equal
68 endif
Type 4b: hash160 secret, length=82byte
63 if
03 data3
<timelock 3byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
ac checksig
67 else
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
ad checksigverify
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
87 equal
68 endif
Type 5a: hash160 secret, length=81byte
63 if
a9 hash160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b2 checksequenceverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
68 endif
88 equalverify
ac checksig
Type 5b: hash160 secret, length=78byte
63 if
a9 hash160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
67 else
01 data1
<timelock 1byte>
b2 checksequenceverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
68 endif
88 equalverify
ac checksig
Type 6: hash160 secret, length=79byte
63 if
54 <timelock op>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
ac checksig
67 else
76 dup
a9 hash160
14 data20
<secret_hash 20byte>
88 equalverify
ad checksigverify
a9 hash160
14 data20
<pubkey_hash1 20byte>
87 equal
68 endif
Type 7: multiple ripemd160 secrets, length=80 + n*23byte
63 if
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash1 20byte>
88 equalverify
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash_n 20byte>
88 equalverify
21 data33
<signature1 33byte>
ac checksig
67 else
04 data4
<timelock 4byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
21 data33
<signature2 33byte>
ac checksig
68 endif
Type 8: multiple ripemd160 secrets, length=81 + n*23byte
74 depth
60 16
87 equal
63 if
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash1 20byte>
88 equalverify
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash2 20byte>
88 equalverify
a6 ripemd160
14 data20
<secret_hash15 20byte>
88 equalverify
21 data33
67 else
03 data3
<timelock 3byte>
b1 checklocktimeverify
75 drop
21 data33
68 endif
ac checksig
[2] https://insight.bitpay.com/tx/0bb5a53a9c7e84e2c45d6a46a7b72afc2feffb8826b9aeb3848699c6fd856480