Let's say I want to make a transaction to my friend Bob.
When I send 10 BTC to Bob, a transaction is signed with my signature and sent to the network.
What happens next?
Do miners check if this transaction is valid (check if I have enough funds)?
If they do, do they receive a reward for this?
When the transaction is considered valid it gets sent to a block with other transactions.
This block is then mined (miners try to find the correct hash from the previous block by solving the problem) and once a miner solves this first, he sends the block to the blockchain.
My question is, if the block is invalid and gets sent to the blockchain, why other miners check if said block is valid?
Does the first miner that "solved" the block wrong get a reward?
What if the block that was solved by this miner validated correctly and was sent to the blockchain.
Why would other miners check if it's correct when the miner already received the reward.
What do they get from checking the solved block if they are already working on the next one?
I'm sorry for the long post but this part confuses me quite a bit. Thank you