I wrote some python code to parse the block data, all the result are fine, until block01095.dat, block #498557.
The code to deal with Transaction is:
class Tx:
def __init__(self, blockchain):
start_pos = blockchain.tell()
self.version = uint4(blockchain)
check_pos = blockchain.tell()
# For segwit
# https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transaction
dummy1 = uint1(blockchain)
dummy2 = uint1(blockchain)
if dummy1 != 0 or dummy2 != 1:
self.inCount = varint(blockchain)
self.inputs = []
self.seq = 1
for i in range(0, self.inCount):
self.inputs.append(TxInput(blockchain, i))
self.outCount = varint(blockchain)
self.outputs = []
if self.outCount > 0:
for i in range(0, self.outCount):
self.outputs.append(TxOutput(blockchain, i))
# For segwit
if dummy1 == 0 and dummy2 == 1:
for i in range(0, self.inCount):
num_op = uint1(blockchain)
for n in range(0, num_op):
_ = hashStr(blockchain.read(op_code))
self.lockTime = uint4(blockchain)
cur_pos = blockchain.tell()
self.raw_bytes = blockchain.read(cur_pos - start_pos)
self.tx_hash = hash_tx(self.raw_bytes)
Full code is in: https://github.com/keviny/bitcoin-block-parser/blob/master/block.py
The last transaction in #498556 is https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/0baa42c9852b4edd9437e8c3fd38bd0dd89d977fe80ac7648961cf8ff33a2dbf which is ok to parse.
But in #498557 I can never create the right tx hash anymore. The first tx hash I get from block #498557 is https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/2da60422e1de3e8e64742bb16db5d1e3b2a9813f754cff416e549d570b2ad0e8 which is not a valid tx hash in blockchain.info.
Actually, the first three hash I got are: 2da60422e1de3e8e64742bb16db5d1e3b2a9813f754cff416e549d570b2ad0e8 e0a7e07ccb9b126bd20b5b134d41ec5f8b70bdb5408a263619ca3b8b3a90512d 6c695c567d14bce39a8e58359a2a5d26dc2bcbd9a83f043b5dbc1800c56f84c8 None of above can be used in blockchain.info.
I suspect there is some format change from this block.
Does Anyone here know any background about this issue?