I am new in Bitcoin and I try to create an address in Bitcoind and send a transaction that the amount will be spendable in a specific height of the blockchain.
Here is what I have done:
privateKey = 'cS5bZo8D1PBXwLbpGwYpb3CPvev5FYA7zPpftXAc6vzvbXt3aAa4'
absolute_time = 150
addr = getAddressFromPriv(privateKey) #customFunction
seq = Sequence(TYPE_ABSOLUTE_TIMELOCK, absolute_time)
script = Script([seq.for_script(),
addr2 = convertScriptToAddress(script)
Then in bitcoin-cli I use that addr2 to bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress <addr2> 10
However, when I inspect the transaction it says that it is spendable in the current block height. Any idea?