I'm reading tutorials on working with bitcoin core like this:
- http://bitcoindaily.org/bitcoin-guides/bitcoin-core-tutorial/ and
- http://bitcoindaily.org/bitcoin-guides/how-to-recover-bitcoins-bitcoin-core-wont-sync-export-private-key/
Both of which suggest the use of bitcoin core should produce a wallet address of some kind automatically. Specifically, the second says:
Bitcoin core automatically generates your first bitcoin address for you but you can create as many new ones as you want.
I can't seem to get a wallet address to get started.
Where there is supposed to be a wallet address there is none, and I am asked to enter one, but how do I get one in the first place?
Here is what I see:
There is no address, and I can't just guess one---anything I type in the Address box says it is invalid.