while using bitcoind "walletnotify" my curl command is getting 3 hits generating 3 unique transaction hashes but requirement is to execute only once for unique transactions.

I heard about walletnotifynew from :-"https://www.multichain.com/qa/9566/how-can-i-use-walletnotify-command-to-get-notification" but its not working .

My bitcon.config file

walletnotifynew=/home/scripts/transaction.sh %s
#walletnotify=curl -d "txid=$1" %s  

Database entry i was transferring the withing same wallet still three incoming but there should be only one entry of outgoing

select * from transaction;
| tx_id | amount       | made_on    | sent_from_address                   | sent_to_address                     | success | transaction_hash                                                 | tx_type  | userid |
|    53 | 0.0000000000 | 2020-02-17 | NULL                                | 2NFgnEMcE4kvvCLXK6uiEgb3dZuVLGUK75v |       1 | 11acce71f3d10330e10d70f5ee974abe5d216ec188309b61d1f751a1615d439d | INCOMING |   NULL |
|    52 | 0.0000000000 | 2020-02-17 | NULL                                | 2NFgnEMcE4kvvCLXK6uiEgb3dZuVLGUK75v |       1 | bc3267ffcc44b8d526cbb1de19f653bc90aedda4dc4fc2fc9ab18a954e7347c1 | INCOMING |   NULL |
|    50 | 0.0001000000 | 2020-02-17 | 2N6MqukeqDftwXsVDBSBkDrnbvzaXoNwNhi | 2NFgnEMcE4kvvCLXK6uiEgb3dZuVLGUK75v |       1 | 9bb2ab339930a68f33ce3521bee46363cbd29a87c68b718c4ae415a3ba53b7b8 | OUTGOING |      1 |
|    51 | 0.0000000000 | 2020-02-17 | NULL                                | 2NFgnEMcE4kvvCLXK6uiEgb3dZuVLGUK75v |       1 | 2e0976cd310fe1d740227cec0ae615dae668d4efeea740e51b81cb1b89dd2a47 | INCOMING |   NULL |

2 Answers 2


There is no walletnotifynew option in Bitcoin, you will have to do deduplication on the application side.

  • but how i can deduplication ? i m getting new transaction hash for same transaction when i m sending a coin within same wallet (sending,receiving,confirmation)
    – Ishank
    Feb 18, 2020 at 5:23
  • You're probably doing something wrong when calculating the hash then, the transaction will be identical Feb 18, 2020 at 5:39
  • may be not because i m not generating transaction hash i m just listening it and using it, you want to see my listener class?
    – Ishank
    Feb 18, 2020 at 5:57

problem was that i was receiving testnet bitcoins that were requested in the morning and also their first confirmations i were deleting the entries from the database which confused me a little bit for my written code but the code was working absolutely fine, Silly lol.

Secondly my both send and listen api were getting hits simultaneously for which i added an wait thread in the listen api so that send transaction can be stored in the database first and then listen transaction...

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