So I wrote down my mnemonic on a piece of paper and somehow the last 2 words got ripped off and I cannot find where it went. I do have 10 out of the 12 word phrase still (along with the order, they are 1-10), along with the last address that coins were sent to on it.
My question, is there a way to automate finding the last 2 words? I found various examples online for finding 1 out of 12 but nothing about situations with 2 out of 12 missing. Given that theres only 2048 words in the dictionary for it and each word in the mnemonic can only use certain ones from this dictionary, I'd presume this wouldn't be too difficult of a task. Preferably, Id like to find a way to not only generate the phrases but also check them for a balance in the blockchain if possible. Anyone know how I should go about this given what I have?