Linked Questions

0 votes
1 answer

Bitcoin Clients Backward compatibility [duplicate]

wondering if I ran a 0.1.0 version of bitcoind today, would it sync and would it operate as normal? As I understand at the time it was only using P2PK, would 26.0 reject it? Also, many changes ...
4 votes
2 answers

What happen if some blocks are added simultaneously with same previous hash

In all of the blockchain samples that I see e.g. adilmoujahid, Savjee as I checked, they added previous Hash by creating a block. Suppose that, L is the current last block in a chain. Block A and ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do we know whether a pull request will be a soft fork or a hard fork?

Aren't all pull requests either one or the other - a soft fork or a hard fork?
2 votes
2 answers

What actually caps Bitcoin's supply at 21 million?

I have seen everywhere that the total BTC supply is permanently capped at 21 million. I understand blockchain, cryptography, SHA256, etc... generally, but where/what is actually capping the supply at ...
3 votes
1 answer

Do new SIGHASH types need a hard fork or a soft fork?

There have been a few new sighash types proposed. SIGHASH_NORMALIZED : Use a 'normalized' TXID in the inputs when serializing for signing. This normalized transaction id is calculated by removing the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Who determines a hard fork [duplicate]

I'm trying to really get a deep understanding of the roles miners and nodes play in enforcing the Bitcoin rules. If a hard fork is presented, who determines if the fork is accepted, nodes or miners? I ...
22 votes
2 answers

Is there a difference between bytes and virtual bytes (vbytes)?

In an Optech newsletter, size is referred to using vbytes. Is there a difference between vbytes and bytes? If so, what is the difference?
4 votes
1 answer

Is every BIP actually a small fork?

What precisely do we consider as fork? It seems that every BIP can be seen as a fork, at least a soft fork since a lot of BIPs indeed are backward compatible. How big or impactful something has to be ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between 51% attack fork, hard fork and soft fork?

I am confused between the forking that can be created because of the 51% attack and the soft fork and hard fork. Does forks because of 51% attack can also lead to new crypto currency creation?
6 votes
6 answers

Can blocks remain capped to 1MB forever?

This is perhaps more of an economics question than a bitcoin question, but I'm wondering if it would be viable to leave the block size capped at 1MB for all time and simply let a series of rules ...
56 votes
2 answers

What is the longest blockchain fork that has been orphaned to date?

The orphaned blocks view from shows a recent fork of the blockchain (starting with block 173,928) that went four blocks long before being orphaned. Other than the controlled rewind ...
0 votes
1 answer

I was wondering if Bitcoin Taproot is simply an upgrade or will it have its own coin as well? If so, where can I buy them?

I know Taproot is a soft fork, which basically means an upgrade. I see some forks have coins and some don't, I am lost on the difference and why. Litecoin is a fork and many others are that have coins ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does BIP148 (UASF) offer any replay attack protection?

Is there any protection against replay attacks in BIP148? Despite the popular name (UASF), it's effectively a hard fork (in the sense users with old nodes will be on a different chain), is there any ...
3 votes
3 answers

How exactly are Bitcoin's consensus rules enforced?

There are some rules called consensus rules, for example the block generation amount. And it is said that "a change to consensus rules is a hard-fork". But how exactly are the consensus ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does a soft fork result in two different blockchain versions?

I've read the following: Both forks create a split, but a hard fork creates two blockchains and a soft fork is meant to result in one. Let's consider 2 situations: block size max limit is 1mb and ...

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