Linked Questions

2 votes
0 answers

What is multisig and why would I use it in bitcoin? [duplicate]

I read the term multisig address, as something that requires more than 1 signature. What is that? What would be the context of using that, why would I use something like that?
croraf's user avatar
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21 votes
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How can I create a multi signature 2-of-3 transaction?

Can somebody help me with step-by-step list of how to create a multi signature 2-of-3 transaction?
Andrew Vorobyov's user avatar
25 votes
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How secure is

How secure is using a wallet on How do you evaluate the different sites that provide wallets?
B Seven's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

How would a decentralised exchange work?

The idea of decentralised Bitcoin-fiat exchanges has been floating around. (For example Mastercoin, Ethereum and Bitshares claim to be able to do it.) How would such a decentralised exchange work?
Randomblue's user avatar
13 votes
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How does one make multisignature transactions with the bitcoin client?

With the release of bitcoin version 0.6.1rc2, it is now possible to do M-of-N required signature transactions in the main network. But how does one actually perform such a transaction? I've been ...
bastabob's user avatar
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7 votes
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Multi-signature and "pay to script hash" vs "pay to pub key hash"

If I understand correctly, there are two methods to perform a multi-signature transactions in Bitcoin. One is "pay to pub key hash", which is a method commonly used to send standard single signature ...
k kurokawa's user avatar
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4 votes
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Bitcoinj How to create multi-signature address using bitcoinj

Can somebody help me with step-by-step list of how to create a multi signature 2-of-3 transaction using bitcoinj api?
user27079's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is there any blockchains that has implemented a 2fa type of security measure?

Currently someone can steal your btc private key and send all your funds away. But has there been a 2fa built into a blockchain that prevents something like this? Say if you wanted to send something ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do some Bitcoin wallets fail to support sending to multi-signature addresses?

The Satoshi client has support for multi-signature transactions through the JSON-RPC API since version 0.6.1rc2. My understanding is that a multi-signature transaction creates an address which is ...
akaihola's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How can you share a plaintext bitcoin address private key with a friend and ensure they won’t spend your bitcoin?

How can you share a plaintext bitcoin address private key with a friend and ensure they won’t spend your bitcoin?
demiculus's user avatar
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micropayment channels, n-m addresses, interoperability

I just read bitcoinJ's working with contracts tutorial and I am puzzled as: it seems to me that n-m addresses are implemented in Bitcoinj using plain multisig (as defined in this bit of the developer'...
hartmut's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

P2SH that pays out only to a certain Bitcoin address?

Is it possible to create a type of redemption script that when the correct number of signatures are collected pays out to a pre-defined address ?
Ian Purton's user avatar
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