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"Application-Specific Integrated Circuit" - An integrated circuit (chip) specifically designed for one task only. Similar to FPGAs, ASICs may be the low-power-consumption future of Bitcoin mining. As with FPGAs they are very power efficient but carry a comparatively higher up-front cost.

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is using for mining worth it? [closed]

I'm somewhat new to this so I got an s19 try it out. I did some research into pools and saw people saying they made more on OCEAN than other pools, but now that I have it running, I see that they ...
benji bon's user avatar
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What adapters should I use with my s19 and a dryer outlet?

I'm just getting into crypto mining and was wondering what adapters I should use. I see a lot of people using PDUs but I'm not sure if that's necessary here because I only have the one s19. I am using ...
benji bon's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Proposing faster hash function for mining and modified difficulty to get more speed and less consumption

Do you think it could be interesting use a faster alternative Hash function for mining while proposing other form of difficulty mechanism ? I would like to extend the question not only to bitcoin, but ...
holyfloat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can an Antminer KS3 be used to mine Bitcoin?

I bought an Antminer KS3, the Bitmain miner for the KHeavyHash algorithm hashrate and it arrived yesterday. My question is, can I somehow modify the hardware of this KS3 to be able to mine bitcoin? I ...
miner ks3 iceriver bitmain's user avatar
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Schedule programmatically ASIC mining

i'm looking to get into ASIC mining buying something around 1kW of power. I have photovoltaic panels at home and during the day I have excessive power I can use to mine. I'm not set on a specific ...
danipisca07's user avatar
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Only 1 out 3 Chains are showing up on my S17 Pro

One day only 1 out 3 chains are showing up, don't know why this is and 1 out of the 3 powersupply fans are spinning. please help me
Brandstorp's user avatar
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Bitcoin mining pre-computation benefits?

I asked this question on another forum but did not get any responses so I thought I'd try here. I've been researching bitcoin mining for a while and I have a work-in-progress hypothesis that could ...
arikachimoaririki's user avatar
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How much voltage do I need to power up a Bitmain Antminer S19 Bitcoin hashing board?

I'm trying to repair a Bitmain Antminer S19 Hashing board. But how much voltage do I need to power this thing up for testing using a benchtop power supply?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How loud (dB) are BTC ASIC facilities/rooms/shelves?

I am just trying to get an idea of how loud (dB) these ASICs are when many of them are grouped up in an area. I know it may vary quite a lot based on the number of ASICs, size of the area, and many ...
Joe's user avatar
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How fast should miners computer generate work for ASICS?

how fast does the beaglebone black generate work? modern asic miners exhaust the nonce range in around 2-3 milliseconds. say if it does exhaust in 2 milliseconds, and we need to keep the asics busy ...
user134178's user avatar
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How do I set up my S9 and full node for solo mining?

I keep seeming to get round about answers about this. I want to begin mining to my local general-use machine which acts as a node as it hosts the blockchain (aka.BTC-core). I HAVE an ASIC S9. I need a ...
Fred Hamilton's user avatar
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can i diy an asic miner?

Iam interested in mining bitcoin so Iam wondering if I can get a pcb for hashing and bring asic chip that algorithms are sha-256 and stick them together with some other electronics and have a control ...
Mustafa antar's user avatar
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How many SHA256 hashes can a single thread compute?

ASICs use many threads to compute SHA256 hash functions in parallel. At the time of this post, Antminer S19 can compute 110TH/s. How many SHA256 hash functions per thread can the best SHA256 ASIC ...
satya's user avatar
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Communicating with mining pools

if I designed my own ASIC machine, what is the easiest way to connect it with the mining pool? I was searching but couldn't find any pool that has an API to communicate.
Haris Ali's user avatar
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May bitcoin mining on laptop be possible again?

This is not a stupid question as it might seem at first glance. I know how much the processing speed and power consumption on ASIC is superior to CPU and GPU. Recently, I've quite often heard ...
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Why is there still a lack of Bitmain chips for miners?

All of the ASIC miner producers still claim that there are not enough chips for miners to produce anything. But if China is allegedly fully back to normal and has been for some time, why is there ...
asker's user avatar
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How does an ASIC Bitcoin miner work on a fundamental level?

I'd like to understand how ASIC miners are more efficient at mining bitcoin. Having a background in CS, how does the ASIC miner work on a binary level on the CPU and why is it so much faster?
Stewart T's user avatar
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5 answers

Are ASICs Resistant to Malware Attacks?

One of the arguments made in favor of relying on ASIC mining hardware to secure the Bitcoin blockchain is that commodity hardware is more prone to a 51% attack since an attacker could easily infect ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Can someone explain the reason for this discrepency in speeds?

Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening? Firmware is reporting 15TH/s but BFGMiner says its only running at 200GH/s
BingoDingo's user avatar
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What pools will allow asic block erupters these days? [closed]

I'm a Ubuntu cgminer/bfgminer guy and purchased 6 asic block erupters and a newbie to mining. Could never get into slushpool, but have been mining for poolin for about a week and really don't see any ...
bbttguy's user avatar
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Dragonmint T1, cannot find on network anymore (AngryIP Scanner) + NO SDCARD SLOT

I was using Braiins OS for a while, but couldn't get the voltages to settle down no matter what I did, so I went to Braiins OS website and noticed they would no longer be supporting the DM-T1, so I ...
Rick Tremblay's user avatar
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19 out of 24 words of BIP39 passphrase (brute-force last 5?) [duplicate]

I have managed to lose 5 words of my 24 word Ledger Nano S recovery phrase. I have words 1-19 but I am missing words 20-24. I have significant holdings on the wallet so would very much like to recover ...
JGoodwin10's user avatar
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Why dont' nodes change the block version number when the nonce overflows?

After computing 4 billion nonces, the miner is supposed to update the merkle root. Why don't they choose a new nonce and assign it to the block version number and begin again? It would save time and ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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How specific are ASIC's design? Can they single hash SHA256?

I understand that Bitcoin's ASICs are a highly optimized piece of equipment and, therefore, are also very specific. My question: are they able to do a single (or triple?) SHA-256 hash at all? And, ...
Tiago Loriato Simões's user avatar
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Can I mine bitcoin testnet coins with my regular bitcoin asic miner?

Is it possible to use my bitcoin asic miner to mine testnet bitcoin coins? Is there special software I need? can I join a testnet pool or is there even such a thing?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Hash rate of "Antminer S9" in "" is ZERO

I setup an Antminer S9 using this document: (Link to document). And I configured connection to using this guideline: (Link to guideline). So, I filled out the fields as follows: Pool 1: ...
Questioner's user avatar
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What happens when I restart my asic miner?

I'm new to mining bitcoin with asic miner. My question is, what happens when I replug my miner? I have connected it to a pool. And when I replug it, the pool is showing that I stoped mining.
Joma's user avatar
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Does asic API exists?

I have an antminer asic, and it has web interface. I could see temperature and hashrate through it. Now i want to retrieve and store that data (from multiple asics), within another program on another ...
xakepp35's user avatar
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ASIC Speed measurement

Mining hardware manufacturers use "Hash rate" to define how fast the mining is with their ASICs, but do they mean 1 sha256 cycle speed or Bitcoin hash speed sha256(sha256(header)); ?
edelmaks's user avatar
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Only one chain is appearing in Miner Status on Antminer S9

I just hooked up my miner after returning from training. when i first hooked it up all 3 chains were visible but then i moved the miner to a more permanent location and hooked it back up. now only one ...
Kurtis's user avatar
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What is the differenct between 13.5TH and 14TH

I would like to buy an S9, checking the bitmain site found that they are selling two S9 versions. - S9i-14TH/s - S9i-13.5TH/s Apart from the obvious difference in Hash rate, is there any other ...
Mocas's user avatar
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Altcoin Solo mining Help / Advice

I am kind of stumped. I have been mining for about 6 months and have been trying out various methods in that time. I have used CPU, GPU (a combo of both) and most recently been using some older ASICS. ...
DeveuS's user avatar
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ASICs not receiving all nonces

I have an Antminer S9 where one of the chains is not hashing. In the logs I see the following: get nonces on chain[7] require nonce number:912 require validnonce number:57456 asic[00]=00 asic[01]=00 ...
RobbieE's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Program AntMiner S9 or Other ASIC Miners?

Is it possible to program the AntMiner S9 or other ASIC miners? For example, let's say I only want it to try nonces from 1 to 1 million (instead of all 4 billion possibilities) would it be possible ...
David Lynch's user avatar
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why not make DIY, upgradeable, ASIC mining rigs?

being a miner myself, I see one of the big problems in the mining field. ASIC's are very unsustainable at making profit, and quickly turn into scrap as something better comes along. (even though they ...
Tim Mora's user avatar
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Antminer s3 no ethernet setup

So, Im the only tech savvy guy in my house unfortunately, and I live in the middle of nowhere, so my modem/ethernet data limit is limited to 10 gigs. My only way of feeding the internet to my computer ...
Micah Da Canon's user avatar
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Best ASIC miner for someone on a budget

Ive looked all over for decent ASIC miners under 150$. Ive gotten very mixed reviews on the ones Ive found and are very new to mining in general. I would like a simple ASIC usb capable of at least BTC ...
Micah Da Canon's user avatar
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Power Off Dash Miners for Short Time on P2Pool

I've been DASH ASIC mining (3 miners) for about 1.5 months. I have accounts with the NiceHash and SuprNova pools. I switched to the P2Pool (peer-to-peer pool) method just this evening. I have ...
Thom Ives's user avatar
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Is there any small, transportable mining hardware able to profit?

The place I work is huge and the energy consumption is not a problem. Since I spent 8 hours of my day there, I was thinking to build a crypto mining hardware to take it with me and let it mine. I don'...
Tasos's user avatar
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ASIC Miner Block Erupter & bfgminer: "no devices found"

Bit of an experiment. I have 2 x ASIC Miner Block Erupter 333Mh/s Rev. 3.00 plugged into powered USB ports. I've downloaded and installed CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver from
Steve's user avatar
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asic mining with different cryptocurrencies after it is no longer profitable

If I have an Asic to mine bitcoin and I mine to the point that it no longer becomes profitable to mine them anymore, Can I use the Asic to mine a different cryptocurrency and will the difficulty ...
Avi Assouline's user avatar
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Why is my Antminer S9 only using one Chain

I have 2 AntMiner S9's running. Each of them appears to be operating only at 4.9 TH/s. All 3 of the ASIC's appear to be in good shape, though each of the miners is only using a single ASIC board. Key ...
Selly's user avatar
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Is bitcoin-gold more ASIC-resistant than Litecoin? [closed]

Bitcoin Gold's main point for existence has claimed to be ASIC-resistant in order to have mining power more distributed. But wasn't this tried already with Litecoin via Scrypt mining algorithm? I've ...
knocte's user avatar
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GH/s is bigger than TH/s [duplicate]

How does BAIKAL X10 make more money than AntminerS9 although BAIKAL X10 Only 10 GH/s and Antminer S9 14 TH/s ? So, which one is bigger GH/s or TH/s? I am confused.
bohammam's user avatar
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Can an old bitcoin rig mine XVG?

I have an old block erupter, used to mine BTC with on Slush's pool. To operate it, I had to download their mining proxy onto another computer on my home network and configure the ASIC so it would ...
Roee Anuar's user avatar
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Can A Raspberry pi mine bitcoin without an ASIC miner?

I want to know if a raspberry pi can mine bitcoin without using an ASIC miner.
Eric Joshua's user avatar
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Powering the Butterfly Labs BFG0005G ASIC Miner

I got this machine since 2013. I want to put it in use just for the heck of it. It has a USB port for interface with my pc and a power jack. Unfortunately i don't remember where the adaptor is, so how ...
user1584421's user avatar
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How to select minimum difficulty when mining with Slush Pool

I am mining on a single Antminer S9 with Slush Pool. There is a setting called "minimum difficulty": When I read their manual, item #8 states The pool automatically assigns difficulty that ...
AstroSharp's user avatar
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How to calculate the average worker hashrate on a pool?

I just calculated the average hashrate of all poolminers on Slushpool by dividing the Pool Scoring Hash Rate by the amount of active workers: So with current values that is: 641.1 Ph/s / 30287 ~= 21,...
d00d's user avatar
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Why no other company is producing Bitcoin ASIC except bitmain?

Except bitfury and 1-2 Chinese companies that looks fake or just a copy of Antminer. Nobody in Western produces miners? Why?
Teodor Bochev's user avatar

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